Numbers Speak

Proin gravida velit auctor aliquet aenean sollicitudin, lorem quis bibendum auctor elit.

Student Campuses
Enrolled Students
Certified Teachers
Student Clubs

Vision 2023-2033

Implementing “change” for people served in the neediest areas in 100 small villages, in order to grant them a decent life in terms of spiritual fulfillment, an appropriate amount of education, health, and economic sufficiency, at an agreed-upon standard level.


Saint Joseph the Carpenter Service works with the local church in the neediest areas to provide comprehensive and sustainable development services for every person in the area and in the various aspects of their lives to achieve its vision within a specific period and also to train and empower local servants to carry out same services thereafter.


Communicating Jesus Christ message to every person as a savior for their lives

Building local capacities through training, qualifying and empowering local volunteers/ community servants to become the cornerstone guaranteeing the sustainability of the developed villages.

St. Joseph services History

Our Services

Central Committee for Awareness and Education

Medical Caravans and Scanning Committee

Central Spiritual Committee

The values ​​of St. Joseph the carpenter service:

Enjoy The Best Experience with Us

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